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Thoughts & Inspiration

That Summer Camp Feeling

I feel that I have so many stories to tell from the past year and half, but I will start with what is most fresh on my mind and my heart today.

I recently attended a training course where a part of the course involved practical mentoring and coaching amongst the participants.  Being in a room where the majority of the people are from the cooperate world I felt a bit intimidated.

The room was filled with about 30 people ranging in age from early twenties to people in their sixties.  There were Malays, Chinese, Indians, Americans and 1 Canadian who had variety of religious backgrounds (Buddhist, Hindu, Muslim, Sikh and Christian), and we had the best time getting to know one another over coffee and workshops.

I absolutely loved being a part of this dynamic group, but what did I have to offer any anyone there when it came to mentoring?  Would anyone even approach the less professional looking, younger white Christian girl?  

When the time came for me to put down things that I had experience in I was racking my brain…

So I had to look at it holistically.  What part of my story and experiences had I grown in and felt could benefit someone else?

My list ended up looking something like this:

Living Simply
Living Cross-Culturally
Stepping Out of Your Comfort Zone
Living by Faith

You can imagine my shock and excitement when a Sikh man approached me to mentor him on living by faith and stepping out of his comfort zone.  Seriously?!  I couldn’t imagine a more amazing opportunity!

We met briefly for a few minutes to lay out a frame work for our mentoring session that would happen the next day, and my Spirit just came alive.  He opened up straight away and said he wanted to know why faith was important.  He was waiting for breakthrough in his life and wanted to understand why faith mattered.  He was contemplating some next big steps in his life as well, but wasn’t sure about taking a risk and jumping out of his comfort zone.  I shared a bit with him, and he said he thought my story would be beneficial for him.

I was pumped!  I could’ve never imagine this opportunity or manipulated it to happen even if I had tried.  God is so full of surprises.

I spent some time praying and sharing with my roommates and even wrote a few verses in a small journal to give to him for encouragement.

The next day when we met for our mentoring session things went so smoothly.  He asked questions and really opened up about some things in his past and what he was currently searching for.  He was so honest and genuine.

In those moments I can tend to feel the pressure of messing it all up and blowing the chance of sharing my faith, but this time I felt like I didn’t need to prepare or strategize.

The Holy Spirit is more than capable of drawing and revealing and bringing breakthrough and freedom to people’s lives.  I felt that He would do the work, and I wouldn’t strive or try to manipulate.

I would simply share the story God is writing in my life, my testimony, and that would be enough.

By the end of our session I had shared how I became a Christian and a bit of my faith walk.  45 minutes flies when you’re really connecting with someone.

I did my best to answer his questions and offer him encouragement.  His countenance was so different than the previous days.  I could see a renewed hope and encouragement and light in his eyes!

I can’t tell you how much energy and joy I had after simply sharing why my heart beats for Jesus.  

There is such power in the simplicity of the gospel!

I feel that the Father has been challenging me lately to be more free with sharing all of me, without fear or shame, to be more bold.  After all, what do I really have to lose?

I was very free during this course about who I was in terms of faith, not in a forceful way, but just being transparent and open.  I found such freedom for myself and opportunity to share and encourage and connect with people in a deeper way than I could’ve if I had held back.

At the end of the course, I felt a bit like it was the end of summer camp.

The lights were dimmed.  We all joined hands and swayed with arms raised in unison as “Wind Beneath My Wings” played.  Lots of hugs and handshakes and pictures followed as we said “keep in touch” and went our separate ways.

It was an honor to connect with these wonderful people.

Right now I am thankful.

Thankful for opportunities to share and connect.  Thankful that God is a God of surprises and purpose.  

He is at work on hearts.  He is drawing.  People are so very hungry for truth and love and freedom.  We just have to open our eyes and leave fear and our agenda behind us.

I love being on this crazy journey with Him!

“For the kingdom of God does not consist in words but in power.”

I Corinthians 4:20